May 1, 2022
Work at Rights CoLab through Data For Good Scholar Program in Columbia Data Science Institute.
Project Description
We uses natural language processing, machine learning, and other data science techniques to identify new relationships between labor-related human rights risks and financial materiality.
During my 3-months work, I work in the data science team to built word embedding extraction pipeline to spot similar domain-specific keywords (bigram/trigram/fourgram), also to extract relationships between terms, to provide insights in related text data.
I also work with the Expert Group, who provides subject matter expertise to the data project and makes recommendations on how to incorporate relevant findings into revised SASB standards to benefit workers while reducing reputational, operational, and legal risks for companies.
Project Website
Academic Roundtables
Progress Report
Code Archives
sivannavis • Updated Apr 29, 2022
cover image from: McCormick, C. (2016, April 19). The Skip-Gram Model. Retrieved from